Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, 29 June 2009 21:08 | 2009-06-29:

Link: France in 1940 as a Parallel to a Modern-Day Golden Horde on the Highways
Dear James: I recently purchased a book that may be of interest to my fellow SurvivalBlog readers: Hanna Diamond's book Fleeing Hitler: France 1940. This book is currently being remaindered at the Canadian Internet bookseller The jacket copy states: "In June 1940, as Hitler's armies advanced on Paris,...

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nomad's Bookshelf

Survive The Worst 2009-06-06:

Link: Nomad's Bookshelf
Expecting that someday soon the Internet as we know it will cease to exist, I have been slowly but surely amassing my own survival library. Once they finally pull the plug we will only have the personal knowledge gained and our reference materials to guide us through the coming "dark ages." Today, I can go online, conduct a google search and get nearly any question I have answered. Tomorrow, I may have to consult those dusty tomes on my book shelf or improvise.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fallout Protection: What To Know And Do About Nuclear Attack

Fallout protection : what to know and do about nuclear attack (1961).

Author: United States. Office of Civil Defense Subject: Civil defense; Radioactive ...

Internet Archive: Free Download: Fallout protection : what to know